• Health & Safety Policy Statement

NCTI is committed to taking every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of our workers.


We recognize that workers have a right to a healthy and safe working environment and will honour that right in everything we do.


Our ultimate goal is zero workplace accidents and illnesses. Management will work in a spirit of consultation and co-operation with our personnel to achieve that goal.


The President is ultimately responsible for compliance with applicable legislation and for health and safety performance at NCTI. The President shall ensure that appropriate health and safety programs and procedures are developed, implemented and maintained. Management is responsible for the development of our health and safety programs and procedures. Supervisors are responsible for implementing and maintaining these programs and procedures. Workers are responsible for working in compliance with applicable legislation and NCTI programs and procedures.


Contractors and their employees hired by NCTI are responsible for working in compliance with applicable legislation and NCTI programs and procedures as a minimum.


All employees will be held accountable for performing their assigned responsibilities.


Management will review this health and safety policy annually to ensure its applicability and effectiveness and will discuss its contents with all employees to ensure their understanding.


Zero accidents and illnesses can only be achieved through the personal dedication of every employee to accept nothing less.